
GDPR policy

Update on: 05/07/2024

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Your Zopi account information is protected by a password for your privacy and security. We use industry-standard Secure Socket Layer (SSL) software to protect the security of your PII during transmission, which encrypts all of the information you input. Only employees or agents who need personal information to perform a specific job are granted access to it. All of our employees are kept up to date on our privacy and security practices. While Zopi uses commercially reasonable means to secure your information, we do not guarantee that your personal information will not be improperly accessed, disclosed, or destroyed by breach of any of our safeguards.

Accessing Information

You can:

  • Access your personal data for any purpose at any time;

  • Request that we correct if it is inaccurate;

  • Ask us to delete your data, and deactivate your account;

  • Object to the use of any particular personal data of yours.

We’ve updated our privacy policy to comply with a new EU data protection law, the GDPR. For more details, you can read here.

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