Uninstall Zopi app
If you decide to uninstall Zopi, here’s what will happen:
1. Loss of Access
- You will no longer be able to use any Zopi features.
- All app-related data will become inaccessible.
2. Inventory Management (For merchants using Zopi for fulfillment)
Before uninstalling, ensure your inventory is appropriately handled to avoid any disruptions:
- Transfer inventory: You can transfer your inventory to an existing location or a new location, but be careful not to exceed the maximum number of locations allowed by your Shopify plan.
- Delete Inventory: If you have uncommitted inventory (stock available for sale without restrictions) that is no longer needed, you can delete it. This option is only available for uncommitted inventory.
3. Data Storage & Availability
- Free users: Your data will be stored for 90 days after uninstallation.
- Paid users: Your data will remain in storage, even if you later downgrade to the Free plan.
Reinstall Zopi app
Upon reinstalling the Zopi app, here’s what will happen:
- Your old data and all changes (for e.g. new orders along the flow of sync order) made after uninstalling will sync automatically from Shopify.
- If you were previously on a Paid plan, you must re-authenticate your subscription when you reinstall.