Product Center

Delete products from the Shopify store

Update on: 04/07/2024

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If you delete a product from Listed products, it will affect the mapping and even orders in some situations. Read below to learn full details.

How to delete products

Method 1: In the Embedded App


  1. From your Shopify admin > Product page.

  2. Select products you want to delete.

  3. Click on Three-dot icon “…” and choose Delete products.

  • You can delete a specific product from its description page by clicking on the red button Delete product at the bottom of the page.

Method 2: In the Zopi Web App


  1. Login to Zopi > Product Center > Listed Products.

  2. Select the products you want to remove.

  3. Click the Three-dot icon and choose Delete product.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This will delete the product from the Product center permanently. If you also want to remove it from Shopify, you need to click “Delete on Shopify store” in the Shopify admin.

    4. Click on Delete product once more.

          * If you wish to bulk-delete products, click on selected products > Three-dot icon > Delete products.

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