While you fulfill the orders on AliExpress, Zopi will automatically add products to the cart and fill in the customer’s information to pay for the supplier on AliExpress. If you can’t see everything you have orders on your AliExpress account, keep reading our tips and put them into practice
Maybe your link to AliExpress has expired
- Reason: AliExpress clears the database of the account on its whitelist every 3 or 4 months to get rid of inactive users.
- Solution: Re-link your Zopi account to AliExpress and everything will be back to normal. Learn more here.
Login to the wrong AliExpress account
- Reason: It could be that you made the order with the AliExpress account you wanted, but switched to a different one when you logged in.
- Solution: Please double-check if you are logged in to the correct AliExpress account.
Order placed to a different AliExpress account
- Reason: If you have multiple AliExpress accounts, you may place the order to a different AliExpress account than the one you originally wanted.
- Solution: Please cancel the order in the AliExpress account where you placed it and connect the AliExpress account you desire to Zopi to place the order again.
We hope this helps you gain more knowledge about your matter and overcome the challenges you are currently experiencing.