How to edit mapping for resolving specific orders?

Update on: 12/09/2024

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Occasionally, you may encounter a scenario in Zopi where the product mapping data is lost, resulting in the error message Map product to a supplier and a failed order attempt. Follow the instructions below to solve this order issue.


  1. Login to Zopi Order center > To order.

  2. Click on the selected order for which you want to modify the mapping.

  3. In the order detail page, click the chain icon to remap the product.

  4. In the Map supplier card, enter a new supplier URL in the Supplier’s product field.

  5. Select the corresponding new supplier’s variant to match the store’s variants, then click Map.

  6. Click Map once more to confirm.

TIP: If you lost the AliExpress URL link, you can make use of the Find Similar Supplier feature, which provides quick results based on product research.

You’ve done it! Now, you can place the order like you normally would.

IMPORTANT NOTE: This mapping method applies exclusively to individual orders. To ensure seamless fulfillment of future orders, it’s essential to map your products.

To avoid receiving the same error message in future orders, check here to learn how to update the supplier.

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