Product Center

Manage Product With Product Center

Update on: 22/07/2024

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We are excited to introduce you to our latest update – Product Center. This is a the feature on Zopi app that allows you to manage your imported and mapped products in one menu easily and efficiently.

How the Product Center works

Exploring the Imported products

The imported products show all the products that you have imported from various suppliers using the Zopi app. You can perform the following actions on the import product list:

  • Search for the imported products by using keywords and various filters by source or product cost. This will help you to save time and easily find the products on your store

  • Imported products editor: With new advanced tools like AI writing, AI image finder and Optimize image, you can modify the product details before pushing them to your Shopify store. You can now edit the product title, description, images, variants, tags, and more with the help of AI to make your content more creative. You can also optimize the product SEO, translate the product language, and customize the product pricing rule. This will help you to improve the product quality and increase the conversion rate.

Exploring the Listed products

The listed products (mapped) show all the products that you have pushed to your Shopify store and connected with the supplier’s link by using the Zopi app.
You can perform the following actions on the listed products (mapped):

  • View, edit, delete the listed products (mapped) directly from the Zopi app. You can also optimize the products by using the AI advanced features.

  • Use the advanced feature (Auto Find Better Supplier, Auto Track Competitor Price) to change the supplier or adjust the selling price according to the market demand of the mapped products directly from the app. You can activate the Tracking & Update setting to view the better suppliers or store selling based on your rules. This will help you to optimize your profit margin and reduce the risk of out-of-stock.

In contrast, the listed products (unmapped) denote items in your Shopify inventory that remain unlinked to corresponding items in a supplier’s inventory following changes from the supplier.
For the “unmapped products”, the following actions are available to you:

  • Update the supplier right outside the product detail dashboard in Zopi. Just provide the new supplier’s product link, and Product Center will manage the necessary updates to your listings. You can also utilize the advanced Find Similar Supplier to find suppliers quickly.

How to activate the Tracking & Update?

Tracking & Update is the new name of the Auto Update feature, which enables you to track the inventory and price changes of the mapped products from the suppliers. You can activate this feature by clicking on the Active button under the Tracking & Update status of the product.
We hope that you are finding our information useful and valuable. Our goal is to bring you more benefits and enhance your experience and success with our app.

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